Andre Johnson

Andre Johnson


Squat: 450

Bench 364

Deadlift 545


Certified Personal Trainer - NASM

Certified Nutrition Coach - NASM

About Coach

I loved the weight room ever since my first bench press in middle school. I have an older brother that was a competitive body builder and collegiate football player. I lifted and played football in high school and was recruited to play college football also.

Turning Point

In my early 30's I was 330lbs, out of shape and speeding towards being 40 with health issues. I have 2 children and couldn't image have to depend on them for help or not being physically able to participate in their lives. So I decided that I need to change, to become the person I knew I could be, so I start my fitness journey. I started by doing the simple things and not overthinking.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose in life is help you move closer to your potential. In 2013, I made the decision to work towards becoming the best version of myself. By 2014 I had lost 120 lbs. and discovered the power of making the the right choices. I was influenced by many great people, which inspired me to dedicate my life to helping others.

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